Thinking of surrendering your Pet?Before you consider surrendering your pet, we encourage you to explore alternatives. Our experienced team can provide suggestions and solutions to help you keep your fluffy butt, bunny, and or equine friend as a cherished member of your family. While we can’t promise miracles, we’ve dealt with a wide range of issues and can offer guidance. If, despite your best efforts, keeping your pet is not feasible, OGH is here to help. We’ll either help you find a new home for your pet through our large network of sanctuaries and rescues or provide them with the care they need if we are able. Our commitment is to the well-being of animals, and we’re dedicated to making a positive difference in their lives where we can.
At The Old Goats Home & Rescue, we understand that life can throw unexpected challenges your way, and sometimes caring for your beloved pet/pets becomes difficult. Our mission is to ensure that every pet finds the loving home they deserve, we aren't always successful due to space in our quarantine areas but we will do the absolute best we can to help you.
The Old Goats Home & Rescue EIN For Donations
- 84 41303-85 |